* I have to praise you like I should (DAYS Two Scoops Commentary for November 9, 2020) | Soap Central

I have to praise you like I should

For the Week of November 9, 2020
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We've come a long, long way together. Through the hard times and the good. I have to celebrate you, baby. I have to praise you like I should! Let's raise a glass of something bubbly to happy DAYS in this week's Two Scoops!

What. A. Week! I don't even know what scandalous story to start with. I can't figure out which surprise should lead. Do I begin with the cringe-worthy claims, the temper tantrums, the whack-a-doo weirdos, or the over-the-top antics!? I don't know. It's like Old "Drama Queen" MacDonald's farm blew up and things went wild. With a drama-drama here, and a drama-drama there. Here a drama. There a drama. Everywhere a drama-drama. Ee I ee I oh, my God -- "What a week!" I repeat. Oh, yeah -- and on DAYS, things were crazy, too.

I mean, really. Whew. Thank goodness for our daily escape to Soap Land, and do you realize that on Sunday, November 8, DAYS will have officially provided us with 55 years of escapes!? That's even more times than Stefano's evaded the Grim Reaper's skeletal clutches. That's more wacky outfits than Calliope can shove in her suitcase for a weekend trip in the time machine to visit Eugene. That's a much higher number than the predictions Celeste's gotten right over the years, darlings. Fifty-five might be more martinis than Kate swigs in a week, but that one's a close call. It's also a tight race, but it's probably slightly more than the number of schemes Sami has schemed. And that's more times than John and Marlena have been married and remarried and re-remarried and so on. Well. Maybe. They do that a lot, but I digress...

Yes! It's our beloved show's anniversary again, and this year, we're celebrating 55 years of DAYS. Fifty-five. Let that sink in. That's absolutely incredible, considering all the ups and downs of the industry -- all of the ups and downs of life, really. Hell. The show's still taping and airing during a pandemic to give us an hour-a-day escape. I'm sure the work does just as many wonders for the cast and crew's souls as it does ours, but I'd be remiss if I didn't deliver a deeply sincere thank you for that, Team DAYS.

Yes, you can certainly praise the cast and crew for their dedication to fans. The pandemic has caused chaos, but it's also brought many of us a little closer while, ironically, distancing ourselves for safety, but the show is keeping with tradition. We'll still be able to celebrate the annual "Days of Days" event, although this year, it will be held virtually. Sure. That might not be exactly the same as seeing those Salem stars up close and personal, but, and I don't know if any of you feel as run down as I have lately, I'll rally around any bliss that can be had.

With that thought of happiness and love, I'm going to run down a very random list of 55 DAYS memories I hold near and dear. Some of them are on-screen. Some of them are off-screen. All of them are close to my heart, as DAYS has literally been a lifetime source of adoration and inspiration for me. So, grab a glass of something bubbly, as here we go...

I guess it all starts with my mom and watching DAYS with her! I'm the youngest of five by nearly eight years, so, while my siblings were in school, I was her purse-dog before purse-dogs were a thing. Where she went, I went. And when she took her lunch break to watch DAYS, so did I! Needless to say, I was hooked from early on.

Can we just talk about how much I loved Tom and Alice!? Macdonald Carey and Frances Reid became the on-screen archetypes for grandparents to each and every DAYS fans. Tom's wisdom and soothing voice gave us hope. Alice's feistiness and sage advice fed our souls, and her legendary doughnuts kept our mouths watering. They were the O.G. supercouple of Salem. Thank the Soap Gods for flashbacks and the Horton Town Square plaque. I still miss them, but their memories make me smile.

I fell for Marie Horton while doing research a little over a decade ago. While Marie's heydays were before my time (literally, I wasn't born yet), I became a fan of the youngest Horton sibling upon reading more about her. Fun fact, she was the youngest of five, too. We're kindred, though I hope not too kindred, as her life was messy. She fell for boy next door Tony Merritt, then he left her, and it was on to his father, Craig, followed by her falling for amnesic Dr. Mark Brooks, who turned out to be her plastic surgery-ed brother, Tommy, and then her affair with scoundrel Alex Marshall. Yep. Marie's life was messy. You should read all about her, too.

Suzanne Rogers was and will always be the epitome of grace and talent.

I always thought highly of John Clarke (Mickey), but, after having watched clips of older, before-I-was-born episodes of his work, I thought even higher of him. Wow. He was THAT good.

Doug and Julie were a supercouple before I was born, and you know what? They still are. Bill Hayes and Susan Seaforth Hayes bring something special to the screen that can't be replicated. They're simply the best.

James Reynolds has played Abe Carver since 1981. Abe and Roman were the O.G. crime-fighting duo, partners. That's 39 years of James's perfect performances. Yep, there's a reason everyone loves Abe, and that rests solely on the talents and charm of James. More, please!

The "Salem Strangler" saga was one of the first storylines I remember. It was epic! I think it's when I realized I wanted to be a writer someday. Sure, my medium was crayons and construction paper then, but I knew someday I'd upgrade.

I also vividly remember the cleft on Jack Coleman's chin. He played Jake Kositchek. You know, the Salem Strangler! Eek.

Oh, heartbreak! Samantha Evans being killed by said Salem Strangler, but everyone believing it was Marlena, well, that slayed young me. This happened during the pre-Spoiler years. It was traumatic -- I didn't want Mar Mar to die! Luckily, the Hall enchantment has remained on-screen since (mostly).

I have a special place in my heart for Josh Taylor (you know, 90210's Dylan's dad and our once-Chris Kositchek, now-Roman), but Wayne Northrop's swagger as O.G. Roman was magical. He and Deirdre Hall were the first DAYS supercouple I could really remember. He slept at her place to protect her from a killer. Swoon.

Stefano cometh to Salem, and the show was never, ever the same again. Joseph Mascolo quickly became a legend to any and all DAYS fans. The image of him conducting opera -- and that laugh still haunts my mind. Your legacy lives on, Phoenix.

Thaao Penghlis and Leann Hunley as Tony and Anna were like a whirlwind, and decades later, I still get twisted up when they're on-screen. Love. Them!

I don't know why or how, but I still remember when Renée DuMonde told off all of Salem in epic fashion. Loved. Her. Come back to Salem and play again, Philece Sampler!

Quinn Redeker as Alex Marshal! Was their ever another sleazy, yet love-to-hate-them kind of fella in Salem? He broke the mold and set the bar very, very high.

As a kid, going to lunch with my mom and my one aunt (whose name was similar to "Marlena," which made her even cooler in my book) made me feel super cool. Like, friends, I was discussing DAYS with the two coolest ladies in town. I won everything back then, and I got grilled cheese and a colorable placemat!? Hell, yeah.

I was fairly convinced as a kid that Kristian Alfonso was magical. That was confirmed as an adult. Hope's journey from spoiled brat to badass detective and everything in between was brought to life impeccably by Kristian and that enchanting twinkle in her eyes. #FancyFace4Ever

Bo and Steve were the coolest cats in Salem ever. Ever. There's no arguing that.

And Kayla really was the sweetest Sweetness ever. Ever. There's no arguing that, either.

Judi Evans was amazing as Adrienne (and still is). If Hope, Kayla, and Jennifer were the glamour gals, Adrienne was Salem's Cinderella before the ball, in jeans and hailing from the wrong side of the tracks. Things were rough for her. Very rough. But when she finally found her prince, Justin, and, more so, began to believe in herself, Adrienne inspired many with her tale of tragedy to triumph. I'd loop back to tragedy, but I still refuse to believe she's gone.

Shawn Brady's love for Caroline was as beautiful as his toasts and the twinkle in his Irish eyes. And Caroline herself was a pistol! Actually, she was a baseball bat-carrying computer hacker who liked to go to strip clubs in her spare time -- when not going to service at St. Luke's, of course. Yep. She was one of a kind!

There's a thrill and pride as a DAYS fan when someone asks, "Is that the show with Bo and Hope?" Yes. Yes, it is. That's how super this couple was.

It's also a kick when non-soap fans ask, "Oh. Is that the one where the lady was possessed by the devil? I watched it that summer." Yep. That's the same one.

Lisa Trusel was something special as Melissa! And Pete and Melissa were pretty special, too.

Remember DAYS' first British Invasion -- Shane Donovan!? Get in line, Kimberly, we loved him, too. I kid, I kid. I also adored Kimberly.

I thought nobody could replace "Kimmy Gibbler" as Carrie, but then we met Christie Clark. Love. Her.

Oh. Oh! Who else remembers "One Stormy Night" and the two primetime episodes that followed!? Those were epic. My tween self was glued to the screen and fanboy-ing out.

Also epic? "The Cruise of Deception"! That storyline. Wow. It was a game-changer. Ernesto Toscano still remains one Salem's most sinister. After all, he "killed" Hope! Again, this was before spoilers, so my young teen heart fell in that acid along with Fancy Face. I cried. A lot.

"The Cruise" was also a big time for Jack and Jennifer, who continue to charm. I loved their early Spectator days, too.

Saying "Swamp Girl" will never not be a way to make several of my friends burst into laughter.

Alison Sweeney turned up as Sami. And the fun began in a way we'd never seen. Love her or hate her, Sami is a significant slice of Salem. Viva la Sweeney!

My lifelong bestie and I still know exactly where we were when Carrie punched bride-to-be Sami!

I wanted Kristen Blake to be my best friend, and then Kristen DiMera became my spirit animal. Oh, Eileen Davidson! You're a damn legend.

Stacy Haiduk is also brilliant as Kristen. If the crown had to be handed to another queen, I'm glad it was Stacy! We'll talk more about Stacy later this year during the Golden Doughnut Awards, don't worry.

Every time John Black says, "That's a fact," a DAYS fans gets his wings.

John Aniston is one of the best deliverers of lines ever. Period. Done. He's the king.

If Hope was fancy yet tough and Billie was scrappy yet sweet, Carly was just hardcore wrapped in chaos. Things never went easy for her. Ever. But you know what? Crystal Chappell brought the tragedy and sometimes triumphs to life tremendously.

Louise Sorel as Vivian Alamain. Yes, please. Where to begin? Her first scene, where she shot someone then casually stepped over their body? Burying Carly alive and rolling around on her grave? Oh, this could go on and on, like my love for Louise!

Lauren Koslow is and always will be the "Queen of Cool," and she's our Kate Roberts. We're damn lucky. Very damn lucky.

Nicole Walker and a martini is still surefire fun, thanks to the endless talents of Arianne Zucker. Plus, I'm a sucker for any and all Nicole and Abe scenes. They're a perfect example of "you don't have to be related to be family."

To this day, one of the most heartbreaking DAYS moments -- Hope's screams when she learned that Zack was dead. Kristian Alfonso still deserves an Emmy for that performance.

A close second heartbreaking moment was Lexie dying in Abe's arm in their backyard. Not only did we have to say goodbye to one of the kindest yet most complicated Salemites, but we also said goodbye to her elegant, talented portrayer, Renée Jones.

Nicole, Eric, and the Java Café. We can Rollerblade down memory lane for days about those two; even when Eric's face changed, they retained their charm. That's a love story, folks.

I'm not sure which part of Princess Greta's coronation was more memorable -- the actual events, or the staggering amount of daytime royalty who guest-starred for the event!?

Peter Reckell and Kristian Alfonso's chemistry will never me matched, but Robert Kelker-Kelly and Lisa Rinna weren't so shabby as Bo and Billie. Still, "Bope" forever.

The "Last Blast" gang will now and forever be my crew. Oh, how we've grown together, yet all still look smashing.

Kirsten Storms was a plucky young Belle. Charity Rahmer was the Belle that had a very convincing fall on Jan Spears' sidewalk. Be nice! And then Martha Madison matured Belle and has been wowing with her performances ever since.

You know what was just as awesome as the first DAYS British invasion? The second one. That's the time this tall, handsome drink of water from the other side of the pond batted his eyelashes on-screen for the first time and quickly proved, wowza, he's a damn great actor, too. Yep, James Scott as E.J. is still missed, but I'm grateful we have the Eej and "EJami" memories we do!

Will's first kiss with a man was a major moment for DAYS, but his relationships with Sonny and Paul were important for the LGBT-plus community. Many could see themselves on-screen for the first time. It was a brave move by the show, and I was proud that Will, Sonny, Paul, and other gay characters were treated as characters and not clichés.

I remember the day, many years ago, when I got the word that I would become a Soap Central Two Scooper. It was a "Pinch me! I don't believe it!" moment as a writer and a DAYS fan. I'm still as humbled and thankful today as I was then, especially having enjoyed my predecessors' work so much!

I also met Laurisa, a coworker and friend, whose talents inspire me to be a better writer. I'm a "SUPER FAN!" of her work. Just last week, she came up with "Stefaclone." Brilliant, partner.

DAYS got much more fun for me after becoming a columnist! The interaction with other fans, the feedback (good, bad, and occasionally ugly), and, more so, the friendships formed because of that also encourage me on a weekly basis. I'm more grateful than you know!

DAYS has Paul Telfer. Other shows don't. We win.

Remember when we got to name Ciara online!? That seems like only yesterday, and now, she's gone, but we got "CIN" in the meantime, and that is amazing.

RoboJohn and Little Claire Bear will always be a DAYS highlight.

And we made it! That's my 55. Believe it or not, it was actually hard to limit myself to that number, as once the flood gates opened, so many, many warm, fuzzy memories filled my DAYS-loving brain. I didn't get to gush about the DAYSaster, or any of the amazing secondary characters like Sheila, Nurse Maxine, Anne Milbauer, Rory, T, Henderson, Nurse Lynn Burke, Brady Pub waitress Lisa, and so many more. Did we talk about Melaswen or Alamainia!? The "Virtual Garden of Eden" -- ha! Hope opening the puzzle box? How about the brilliance of Kassie DePaiva!? The staggering talent of the DAYS rogue gallery of baddies and mad scientists. I feel like I left out so much of the current cast as I reflected on the past, but, trust me, they have my heart, and you need only to read a few back editions of Two Scoops for praise. And Ron Carlivati, you're the man! Thank you. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication.

With that, what are some of your favorite memories of good old Salem, USA? Let's get the message boards, Twitter, and the feedback area down below hopping with positivity.

Ha! The greatest battle Gwen faces right now is not snacking on popcorn while she watches the Titanic hit the iceberg. She's loving life. She's also playing Abigail like a puppet on a string. She riled her up by letting her discover Jack's letter to Kate and then fueled the flames by feeding her Champagne. I repeat, "Ha!"

As for Jack and Kate...wait! What!? Like Jennifer, I need more information before I fully react, as this might be a red herring. There's more to the story than Kate being the "other woman" once again. Right? There has to be.

It's official. Baby Boy George Horton's -- sorry -- Henry's DNA test results are in. Tripp Dalton, you are the father? Wait. Let me try that again. You are the father! Yeah. Nobody is celebrating this. At all. Tripp seems twisted up and stunned. Steve and Kayla are battling it out. Steam is coming out of John's ears. It's all a hot mess, and not the fun kind.

Eli should be honest with Lani. He's also a terrible liar. There's that. But Brady "Way Beyond Upset" Black is so insufferable, it hurts my head. Eli's right when saying, "Kristen is not an innocent victim here." She's not. At all. Not even a little bit. I understand Brady's Tammy Wynette stance of it all, but Brady, Lani, Kristen, and reality need to meet. Eli can lead that conversation. He's already there. #TeamEli

Okay, "Jarlena," I'm calling you two out. Sure. Okay. It's another one of your anniversaries. Why not. John's scrapbook was sweet, and we're all happy for them, of course, but does anyone else suspect they're just gift whores? They surpass people who celebrate "half birthdays"; these two are celebrating quarter and third ones, too. I don't want to be a buzzkill, especially during such a jubilant time, but I kind of have Jarlena anniversary fatigue. Let's give another couple or character a chance to celebrate.

Instead of another Jarlena-fest, maybe Roman, Shawn, and Claire reminiscing about the Brady family's history in Salem. Some fish market flashbacks of Shawn and Caroline. Or J.J. telling Thomas about the Hortons. I dunno. Something different would have been nice.

I love that J.J. and Theo are best friends who live and work together. And Theo's fully recovered, too. Woot! If these two can be besties after what happened between them, there's hope for any two characters with differences. Cue the Beatles' "Come Together."

Abigail said that Ciara's service was, "A moving celebration of her life." Fan-freaking-tastic. It would have been nice to have been there. More importantly, did we get the blue napkins!?

Extra Scoops

Thank you to the cast and crew of DAYS for 55 years of love, laughter, tears, and triumphs in the afternoon. May the magic continue all the days of our lives. Cheers, Team DAYS!

Bonnie makes Justin laugh. That's precious. She makes Lucas cringe. And me cry.

Theo (to Jake): "Our family tree is more like an orchard."

Kate (to Jake): "I am so looking forward to this, you know, because how do you celebrate a Jack and a Jennifer? I mean, with a whole lot of white bread? I don't know, playing charades? Bobbing for apples? This is going to be so damn awesome."

Eli (to Brady): "I just dragged myself out of a hospital bed to come here. I don't give a damn about your mood."

Chad and Abigail's chitchat about the clone was amazingly hilarious!

Conversely, I still think a Stefano "Mini Me" would be rather amusing to have around the mansion. Just not at Kayla's expense. I'm sure Stefano has some sycophant out there that would be up for the task.

I love the blue and gold balloons at the anniversary/comaversary party.

I totally forgot for a moment that Claire writes music and sings. You'd think with all the craziness her life has been, she'd have producers presenting offers left and right.

I don't know fashion the way my better Two Scooping half does, but whatever Nicole was wearing looked super comfy and fun.

Jake said to Gwen, "I don't give a mole on a rat's ass about you!" One, dayum, Jake. Tell her how you really feel. And two, are rats prone to moles, because all I can picture now is a little rat dermatologist in a lab coat. What? It's Salem. That's probably not the strangest thing to happen. Scratch that "probably." It wouldn't be the strangest thing to happen at all, right, Gemini Twins?

Ben clearly isn't in his right frame of mind. He could have saved himself some legal woes if he'd told Lani that Vincent wanted to be friends. Then, she would have let him escape jail because they're besties, and Ben could have nabbed him.

Hold up! This just in. Today is also the anniversary of the third time John and Marlena ate at the Penthouse Grill. This needs to be celebrated. You get the scrapbook. I'll get the glue stick.

So, friends and fellow DAYS fans, that's it for November 9! I know I missed a ton of gushing during my Fifty-Five countdown, so help me spread the love below. With that, I am off to turn on some tunes and refill my tumbler as I continue to celebrate Team DAYS. Laurisa will be taking over the wheel of the party bus next week. Until then, friends, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay wonderful! As always, thank you for reading, and "That's a fact."

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